We have discovered that on some platforms, the last two frames of an animation rendered through the Network Rendering service will fail. Our developers are working to have this issue resolved shortly. Until then, there is a workaround available to render the available frames to an animation

In the render manager log, near the end of the log you should see an error message. Depending on where you are rendering the file location may vary:

Movie compressor failed to move temporary file to C:/Users/Public/Documents/KeyShot 10 Network Resources/Manager/****

Retrieve the rendered frames from this folder. These can be used to render your animation manually on KeyShot by using the Encode Video command in the scripting console.

How to use the Encode Video script:

  • Select script and press Run.  The user prompt appears.
  • Click the browse button and select a folder with the image frames.
  • For frame format, copy the name of the file, replacing the frame number with %d, e.g. my_new_animation.%d.jpg.
  • Enter the start frame – the number in the name of the first image, e.g. 1 on my_new_animation.0001.jpg.
  • Enter the end frame – the number in the name of the last image, e.g. 60 on my_new_animation.0060.jpg.
  • Enter FPS for the video.
  • Enter the video name.
  • Click OK to begin the process.

All but the last two frames will be rendered as the intended animation.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Our developers are working on this issue now.

If you experience any difficulties, please contact support@luxion.com for further assistance.